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This is only part of Leora Wise’s illustration. To see the entire picture, go to the location
Someone to Run With
An illustrated audio tour through the streets of Jerusalem in the footsteps of the book
Even Yisrael
About the site • Excerpt read in English from David Grossman’s book Someone to Run With • Jerusalem schoolchildren share their thoughts and opinions
“What was I thinking?” Leah finally said, and pushed her plate away. “You know I have that little storage pantry two doors down from here.” Tamar knew. “I’m going to put a mattress on the floor there for you – don’t tell me no!” Tamar didn’t say anything. “The key will be under the second flowerpot. So if you get sick of sleeping in Independence Park, or whatever you do, if the room service isn’t fancy enough, come to my pantry and sleep like a human being for a night. What do you think?”
Tamar thought through each of the possible dangers. Someone could see her entering the storeroom and inquire into who owned it – Leah wouldn’t give her away, of course, but one of the kitchen workers might say something by mistake, and they’d discover who she was and her plan would be exposed. Leah watched sadly at the wrinkles scrunching over Tamar’s white forehead and choked back a sigh. What’s been going on with this one lately?
pp. 50-51
Route Map
Photography: Doron Adar
Ir Sipur 3 – An illustrated audio tour through the streets of Jerusalem in the footsteps of
David Grossman’s Someone to Run With.
Eight illustrations in eight locations in Jerusalem – in beauty spots and city landmarks